A good education gives you something to stand for.
"The Democratic Education of Unschoolers" by Astra Taylor
n+1, November/December 2013
"The Joyful, Illiterate Kindergartners of Finland" by Tim Walker
The Atlantic, October 2015
"Educating Ourselves To Oblivion" by William Astore
Mother Jones, May 2009
"The Junior Meritocracy" by Jennifer Senior
New York Magazine, January 2010
"Why It's Not All Bad To Be Bored" by Alina Tugend
New York Times, November 2012
"What Danish Parents Know About Teaching Empathy" by Katie Hinz-Zombrano
Mother Magazine, October 2015
"Undercover Universities" by Emily Mulder
Yes! Magazine, November 2014
In the name of love: The Eldest at the Tuscaloosa PRIDE parade.
"Saving Kids From Nature-Deficit Disorder", an interview with Richard Louv
NPR, May 2005
"Leave No Child Inside" by Richard Louv
Orion Magazine, 2013
"Unleashing Empathy: How Teachers Transform Classrooms" by Lennon Flowers
Yes! Magazine, April 2014
"Charlotte's Webpage: Why Children Shouldn't Have the World At Their Fingertips" by Lowell Monke
Orion Magazine, September/October 2005
"Male and female ability differences down to socialisation, not genetics" by Robin McKie
The Observer, August 2010
And, of course, there are personal reasons for the choices we make. Here is what I've learned- and what I continue to learn- about our lives and education/s:
"Thoughts on Mr. Lookadoo's Approach to 'Self-Empowerment'"
"The Liberating Habits of Compassionate Men"